How to Ace Your TEFL Job Interview?


Acing your TEFL job interview is vital if you want to stand out from the competition and secure the teaching job of your dreams. With a little preparation and practice, you can easily ace your next interview. Here are our top tips:

Do your research:

Before your interview, make sure to do your research on both the company and the specific job role you’re applying for. This will not only show your interviewer that you’re serious about the job, but it will also help you to ask more informed questions. While you can’t predict every question that will be asked, there are some commonly asked questions in TEFL interviews that you can prepare for in advance.

Prepare for questions:

It’s a good idea to prepare questions about the company, the position, and how your skill set can be used in this specific role. It’s perfectly normal to be nervous during an interview, but try not to let your nerves get the best of you. Be honest about your skills and experience, and be prepared to for with TEFL certification. Honesty is always the best policy, and it will help your interviewer to better understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Job Interview

Be Punctual:

Arriving late to your interview is a sure fire way to make a bad impression. To avoid this, make sure to allow plenty of time to get to the interview location, factoring in traffic and public transport delays. If the interview is taking place in a different city from where you live, make sure to allow plenty of time to get to the interview location, factoring in traffic and public transport delays.

Be confident:

Although it’s natural to feel nervous before an interview, it’s important to try and project confidence. Sit up straight, make eye contact, and speak clearly. Exuding confidence will make you seem more capable and hireable.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions:

Asking questions shows that you’re truly interested in the job and allows you to clarify any doubts or concerns you may have. Prepare a few questions in advance, but avoid asking anything that could be easily answered by a quick Google search.

Highlight your strengths:

When answering questions, be sure to highlight your strengths and any relevant experience or skills you have. For example, if you’re applying for a job teaching young learners, you could mention your experience working with children.

Be honest:

Remember to be honest in your answers. There’s no need to try and exaggerate your experience or skills just be yourself and let your personality shine through. In addition to your video interview, you will be asked to complete an online version of the same questions. These answers will be used if you are shortlisted for an interview.


By following these tips, you can easily ace your next TEFL job interview and secure the teaching job of your dreams. Just remember to do your research, prepare your answers and be confident on the day.

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